Reiki means Rei = Spirit, Ki = universal life energy
1994 Reiki experienced an expansion of vibration, which was accompanied by the increasing radiation of energy on our planet. The initiation is intensified since then, the growth and healing process is accelerated. It is suitable for full body and mind treatment and optimization of all therapies.
A ray of light for cancer patients. Reiki is used more an more in hospitals all over the world supporting cancer patients, because Reiki strengthens the self-healing and provides deep relaxation, without further meditation techniques. Moreover, one can treat children very well with Reiki, as it has no negative side effects. As with acupressure the ultimate keyword is „helping by self-healing“. Reiki is simple and easy, we have got our hands always with us and anyone can learn it.
Please see the following video, which explains what the charity does. Featuring interviews with medical staff, healers and patients. Please copy and paste this link and watch it on you tube:
Since 1995 I am Reiki Master with a five-year training period and was then iniciated in direct line about Dr. Usui, Phyllis Lei Furumoto by Heiko Habben. The extension of the Reiki channel took place in Spain. Acupressure and Reiki are fitting Reiki excellent. I therefore recommend to participate next to the acupressure seminar also the Reiki seminar.
I. Degree = healing hands
II. Degree = mental healing
III. Degree = distance healing
IV. Degree = Reiki therapist technique of de-hypnotizing
V. Degree = master
I. Degree = healing hands
By the initiation into the first degree the participant experiences the ability to heal by the imposition of hands. The initiation is valid for lifetime. However, participants should frequently practice Reiki, giving and receiving.
My first Reiki initiation seemed to me like a helping hand from heaven. Reiki confers confidence because after the initiation one acts exclusively as a pure channel and can leave aside his ego. Even the biggest skeptics are deeply relaxed during treatment.
II. Degree = mental healing
In the second degree, the mental healing, negative beliefs can be deleted and are replaced by positive beliefs. This is similar to a record that always hookes at the same place and thereby produces error. Deleting the old program and insert the new one creates a different, improved quality of life.
III. Degree = distant healing
The third degree Reiki facilitates the student’s contact with his soul, his Higher Self. He can then take effect in his life, from a higher perspective. Distant healing can be given also to other people, no matter where that person stays. Distant healing is only and always used to the highest and best, it works excellent in physical as well as in mental processes.
IV. Degree = Reiki therapist, technique of de-hypnotizing
It is assumed that we are programmed or hypnotized by old patterns. This programming we get in the first years of our lives or in previous lives. By becoming aware of these patterns, they can be solved and transformed in a loving way. This means that much less energy is wasted for negative attitudes and a big potential for truth and beauty opens up.
V. Degree = masters degree
Within the master degree the student learns the initiation process for others. The initiation techniques for all levels are practiced and trained several times. Essentially, it helps to become the master of your own life. Tibetan monks have brought themselves by Reiki to enlightenment. The techniques have been secret for thousands of years and could only be passed on orally.
Each level takes time to be assimilated. Each time a higher vibration is integrated. After all, Reiki is the purest loving vibration on earth.
The five tenets of Dr. Usui – Mikao Usui Sensei
15 August 1865 – 09 March 1926
Just for today do not be angry.
Just for today do not worry.
Be kind to all beings.
Working tirelessly (at your self-knowledge).
Be thankful for your blessings.
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