The affect of the chakras on our well-being
Chakras and meridians are supporting each other. The knowledge of the subtle energy centers, the chakras, enriched the alternative medicine in the most pleasant way, by using therapeutically colors, essential oils, gemstones and sounds to activate them.
Chakras are turning energy wheels, vibrating at a certain frequency and have a diameter of 5 to 15 cm. They can be perceived as an aura that surrounds every human being. The stronger the aura lights and the clearer the colors are, the stronger is our energetic protection.
The chakras control and harmonize the flow of energy and are organically linked to the seven endocrine glands, which in turn have a significant impact on all life processes. These connections Points – Meridians – Chakras are opening up a huge sprectrum of healing, and remaining there, neither the diagnosis nor the treatment questions are unanswered. In short, a round thing, transparent, simple and logical.
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